Create an exhibit that empowers visitors to explore the science of light and color. See the captions of the images below for more detail:
Artwork in foreground created by Lansing artist Abbey Hoffman:
Below is the Light Challenge component: I worked with an intern to create the meters, which measured the amount of light concentrated on the photocell. When enough light was concentrated, the meter would turn from red to green. The table was designed with an array of small holes so that meters and barriers could be easily moved.
Green = good!
Hanging edge-lit graphics, created with the CNC router.
Control panel for the light-painting component.
I was responsible for the electronics on the color-mixing activity. We wanted a reliable point-source LED for crisp shadows and zero-maintenance. I sourced and fabricated the LED circuitry and kid-proofed the potentiometers.
Final construction drawings, created in Solidworks.
Concept designs, prototyping, electronics, final designs and graphics
Impression 5 Science Center, Lansing MI